A urinary tract infection is defined as the contamination of the urinary tract by microbes. Depending on the organ affected, the name and treatment of the infection differ. The treatment of a disease is not limited to taking medication. So, what do you need to know about the treatment of a urinary tract infection?
Different forms of urinary tract infection manifestation
The urinary system is composed of the two kidneys and their ureters that connect them to the bladder. Then, the urethra evacuates the urine present in the bladder through the urethral meatus at each urination. If the infection is located in the kidneys, it is defined as pyelonephritis. If it is located in the bladder, it is called cystitis. But pyelonephritis can complicate cystitis. A simple acute cystitis is an infection with only urinary symptoms such as burning urine or cloudy urine. But it is said to be complicated if the urinary signs are associated with fever or lower back pain. These signs are often seen in a person with pyelonephritis. However, complicated cystitis is also similar to recurrent cystitis. This recurrence is due to untreated risk factors or poorly conducted treatment. The prescription of medication for cystitis, such as antibiotics, should not be done lightly. Indeed, a poorly conducted treatment of cystitis can generate antibiotic resistance. However, a new molecule that reduces the appearance of treatment-resistant bacteria has recently demonstrated its effectiveness in treating urinary tract infections.
Urinary tract infection and its treatment with medication.
A complicated urinary tract infection involving the kidneys is always a therapeutic emergency. It may require both hospitalization and antibiotic therapy depending on the severity of the infection as determined by the physician. However, a simple cystitis in a person with no tare usually evolves towards recovery even without treatment. However, to ensure your recovery, your doctor will prescribe a one-shot antibiotic treatment or a five-day antibiotic treatment. For a simple cystitis with a complicating factor (pregnancy, diabetes...), a five-to-seven-day course of antibiotics is indicated depending on the molecule used. For recurrent cystitis that occurs more than four times a year, each episode is treated as a simple cystitis. But currently, more and more germs are resistant to antibiotics, hence the interest in a new treatment. The discovery of the D-Mannose molecule has innovated the prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections. In addition, this new treatment will allow everyone to have access to a treatment, a urinary infection treatment without prescription.
Urinary tract infection and prevention
Preventive measures have an important place in the treatment of a disease. Thus, hygienic and dietary measures and good lifestyle habits are also important in the treatment of cystitis. Urinary stasis favors the occurrence of cystitis, so it is necessary to avoid voluntary retention of urine. Then, as the lack of water intake decreases the frequency of emptying the bladder, it also leads to the appearance of an infection. Therefore, you should drink at least one and a half liters of water per day. Regular transit is recommended to avoid any discomfort to bladder emptying. In addition to this, you should always treat a genital infection. In terms of lifestyle habits, post-coital cystitis can be prevented by urinating after every sexual encounter. Regarding intimate hygiene, you must have a happy medium, i.e., not too much, but enough to avoid an imbalance of the flora. Your toilet should always go from front to back to prevent microbial contamination. Finally, it is not recommended to wear tight-fitting or synthetic clothing.
Urinary tract infection: people who are at risk
Like any disease, it is ideal to know who is at risk of getting it. Women are the most likely to get a UTI. This can be explained by the shorter length of the urethra in women than in men. A shorter length allows for easier contamination. The urinary stasis observed in pregnant women and men with a large, compressed prostate explains why they are at risk. A person with diabetes is at risk because the sugar eliminated in the urine favors the proliferation of microbes. People with malformations of the urinary tract and neurological diseases are at risk, because the emptying of the bladder is imperfect: either there is reflux or there is voiding residue. Finally, immunocompromised people (cancer patients, transplant patients or HIV patients) and patients with chronic renal failure are also at risk.
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