Sleep plays an important role in human health and well-being. It promotes balance and well-being. How important is it to have a good night’s sleep? How can you fall into a deep sleep? Here are some points to know and tips to improve your sleep.

How important is it to have a good night’s sleep?

Getting a good sleep routine is essential to staying in shape. Admittedly, most people think that it is a waste of time. However, the body needs balance and sleep in order to function properly. First, it is during sleep that the body makes new cells to replace dead ones. Secondly, sleep allows all the organs to relax. It also helps improve memory capacity. Indeed, the brain stores various information during the day. It is only when the body rests that it can sort and store them. If you sleep less, you have difficulty performing simple tasks. A lack of sleep can also lead to physical and mental problems and later to depression.

How can I get a good night's sleep?

Sometimes it is difficult to get to sleep. To achieve this, it is advisable to relax before sleeping. It is also recommended to adopt a good sleep habit. This consists of going to bed and waking up at regular times. It is best to go to bed early in order to get up early. Step away from the various screens (TV, smartphone, PC, and tablet) at least 30 minutes before going to bed. Indeed, the rays they produce are detrimental to the balance and sleep. In addition, it is also important to have a comfortable mattress. The most important thing is to clear your mind before sleeping. This consists of eliminating negative thoughts that may impact your night.

What happens if I don't get enough sleep?

The lack of balance and sleep causes disorders on the physical and mental health. Fatigue, drowsiness and weakness are the most common consequences of poor sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, you can be prone to high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. In the long run, it can lead to overweight. This is because lack of sleep causes an imbalance of hormones, including leptin, which curbs appetite; ghrelin, which creates appetite; and orexin, which makes you want to eat for pleasure. It reduces leptin and produces excessive orexin. In addition, bad nights lead to cravings for food outside of meals.